How to wear Yellow Sapphire (Pukharaj) Gemstone?

 How to wear Yellow Sapphire (Pukharaj)


Yellow sapphire is known as “Pushparaga” in Sanskrit and “Pukhraj” in Hindi. It is a gemstone of the Corundum family. For gaining the favor of the Jupiter planet an astrologer recommend that one select a Pukhraj that is transparent, smooth, yellow, and with a slight shine that sparkles.

How to Wear Yellow Sapphire

Yellow sapphire should wear on Thursday in gold metal in the early morning. Before wearing the ring it should wash with Ganga water. When the ring has been washed should be placed on a yellow cloth upon which a Jupiter Yantra has been drawn with yellow sandalwood.

In below the Yantra to be drawn on cloth with yellow sandalwood paste is as follows.


The wearer can also do these rituals himself. First, the mark Yantra on the silver plate should wash and dry with a clean yellow cloth.

The worship should be done facing northeast, sitting on a yellow asana made of wool. After the worshiping, the Yantra is respected by a Tilak and flowers, and incense should offer. The ring is placed on the cloth on which the Yantra is drawn.


The mantra should speak either 108 or 19,000 times. The wearer should meditate and after meditation, the ring should wear.  The ring should be worn on the index finger of the right hand. That would be possible too, the wearer should donate yellow cloth/Chane ki Dal to any bigger or can give to a Pandit in a temple.

Ring wear by this holy method brings good luck, peace, and prosperity. Pukhraj gives strength, energy, wisdom, longevity, name, and fame. If someone is having problems in finding a good life partner for their daughter that problem will also be solved. 


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