How Wheel Of Fortune Is Related To Yellow Sapphire Gemstone
The Wheel of Fortune is very representative. The wheel of fortune is the Major Arcana card in tarot decks. In this card we can see the revolving wheel which represents the wheel of life. The angel in the upper left corner is Aquarius, the eagle is Scorpio, the lion is Leo and the bull is Taurus. These are the four fixed signs of the Zodiac, however, all have wings connoting security in the midst of development and change. The planet of this wheel of fortune card is Jupiter. As we know that yellow sapphire gemstone is associated with planet Jupiter that is considered as plant of growth, success, happiness, expansion and opportunity. Apart from that the planet Jupiter also blesses the person with wisdom and knowledge. The Benevolent planet Jupiter as like other planet's discharge light emission and prosperously yellow sapphire stone has what it takes to catch the real part of this light emission which through and through makes this stone being the birthstone or the most notewo...