WAYS TO IDENTIFY ORIGINAL YELLOW SAPPHIRE Yellow sapphires are totally beautiful and an ideal decision to carry somewhat light to your days! In all the energy and expectation, being tricked by counterfeit stone is simple. To assist you with keeping away from misrepresentation, we've arranged a rundown of ways how to distinguish a unique yellow sapphire! Request A CERTIFICATE Perhaps the least demanding way you can check the genuineness of a stone is to request a declaration. This way you are certain the stone was inspected and supported by a trusted, official association. Testaments given by a portion of the public pearl social orders (like the Gemological Institute of America or the American Gem Society) are great pointers that you have an unadulterated sapphire on your hands. Contrast IT And (YELLOW) GLASS Many could guarantee that yellow glass and yellow sapphires are not really unique. Truly - obviously, they are! One of the simplest ways of checking in the event that you hav...