
Showing posts with the label How to wear yellow sapphire

Possible Circumstances When Yellow Sapphire Must Be Worn

  Possible-Circumstances-When-Yellow-Sapphire-Must-Be-Worn The world of astrology always fascinates people toward it. The reason behind the fame and popularity of astrology because everyone is facing problems and obstructions in their lives and leave no stone unturned to find out the solution to their problems. And, astrology draws people toward itself because it promises them that it could assist in resolving their problems. An astrologer analsye Possible Circumstances when Yellow Sapphire Must Be Worn,  endeavors to resolve a personal problem after analyzing his/her horoscope and on the basis of out come suggests a user perform specific rituals to get rid-off ill-effects that are created due to different reasons. Thus, let’s find out under what circumstances astrologer recommends wearing a yellow sapphire gemstone. Yellow sapphire   is endorsed as being the birthstone of favorable planet Jupiter, which has conferred with the status of “teacher” among all nine gemstones ...

How To Wear Yellow Sapphire

  Since you are now aware of the umpteen benefits of wearing the Pukhraj stone , we sure you must be yearning to learn how to best wear it. Being the teacher amongst all planets, the Pukhraj holds the key to healthy living, prosperity, wealth, and wisdom to its bearer. Though it is a one of a kind stone that suits all, it is important to first check with a knowledgeable astrologer whether the stone suits your astrological charts. This verification is essential because gemstones have an impact on your natural energy fields and wearing a non-suitable stone can have an adverse effect.  After you have done this preliminary but most important verification, you can move onto some key steps/procedures that need to be followed while wearing the Pukhraj stone. Buy the stone when the Nakshatra is Vishakha, Punarvasu, Pushya, or Purva Bhadrapad. You can also buy the stone on a Thursday during Shukla Paksha – the ascending cycle of the moon.  Bear in mind that the stone has to be wor...

How Yellow Sapphire is Equally Powerful to Blue Sapphire Gemstone ?


Wearing Yellow Sapphire this Diwali Can Strenghthen Guru in your Horoscope?

Wearing Yellow Sapphire this Diwali Can Strenghthen Guru in your Horoscope? A Yellow sapphire gemstone is considered to be a powerful stone due to its affiliation with the coercive planet Jupiter. Jupiter is regarded to be the most benefic planet among all the astrological planets. The reputation of this planet in the solar planet can be understood from the fact that this planet is considered to be the teacher of all the planets. Jupiter blessed yellow sapphire is advised to be worn by everyone once in their lifetime because it does not promote adversities or negative powers in wearer life. Jupiter symbolizes fortune, prosperity, affluence, intellect, loyalty and sound health. Individuals who are born under the zodiac sign Sagittarius is advised to wear this stone because yellow sapphire is considered to be the birthstone of the Zodiac sign Sagittarius. Jupiter is also called Guru or "Teacher" in English. Unfortunately, if Guru or Jupiter places in the advers...

Different Grades Yellow sapphire for Sale

Yellow sapphire gemstones are awestruck yellow color gemstones which are captivating enough to become the sole reason to buy it and wear it for jewelry and other useful purpose. The value of yellow sapphire stone is upheld due to its affliction with the potent planet Jupiter.

Yellow Sapphire Gemstone For Sagittarius

Yellow Sapphire Gemstone for Sagittarius Do you know which is the most benefic planet in the assembly of all nine astrological planets? Or do you know which planet is called the planet of fortune?